Cockfighting is a practice that was a part of many ancient civilizations. Due to that, it was not uncommon to find references of cockfighting in several ancient literary works.
In the ancient times, cockfighting had very simple rules. As time passed however, cockfighting rules and regulations have evolved as well.
The true geographical origin of cockfighting is unknown, being a practice that dates back thousands of years. Despite that, there are a number of countries where cockfighting is believed to have come from.
Cockfighting is a practice that is highly controversial. Beyond its premise of having roosters fight each other to the death, there are many reasons why people engage in cockfighting. Here’s a deep dive on it.
In a lot of regions around the world, cockfighting is more than just a blood sport, it is also a practice that has a lot of cultural significance.
Cockfighting has been around for a thousand of years. Aside from cockfighting however, there are many more animal sports and competitions that had its start during the ancient times.
No one knows the true origins of cockfighting as it’s been around since ancient times. Despite that, there are records that show the earliest instances of cockfighting in human history.
Cockfighting has a long history, deeply rooted in many cultures around the world. It has also become a huge industry that a lot of communities depend on. However, with ethical concerns and prohibitions on the sport growing everyday, it’s time for communities to have alternatives…
Cockfighting, dogfighting, and bullfighting are all blood sports that involve animals. All three practices are highly controversial, sparking intense discussions everywhere. In this article, we compared the three blood sports to see their similarities and differences.