Cockfights can be very exciting or frustrating, depending on if you’re on the winning or losing end. If you lose more than you win, it can be disheartening to continue participating in cockfights. Take these strategies and employ them in future matches to become a…
Sleeping Dogs is a video game released in 2012. In this game, players can take part in various activities to earn money. One of those is cockfighting.
Cockfighting is an ancient sport that dates back thousands of years ago. Enjoyed by many, this pastime has found its modern version in the form of online cockfighting.
A cockfighting ring or cockpit is an essential part of any cockfight. After all, this is the main stage where the birds battle it out to be on top. If you’re interested in creating a cockpit, read this article to learn how.
Cockfighting is one of the oldest spectator sports around. This practice became incredibly popular in the Middle Ages and was enjoyed by all levels of society. Learn more about it here.
Cockfights take place in a specially-made area called a cockfighting ring. This pit is where the two roosters are made to face each other, and spectators surround the ring to watch the match. Here’s a short explainer on it.
Cockfighting is a sport where, more often than not, a match ends up in bloodshed. Recently, a new form of cockfighting called Coxing is gaining traction. With “One winner, Two survivors,” as its tagline, learn more about why coxing is a good alternative to the…
Game fowls are an inherent part of cockfighting. After all, a cockfight would not happen without the fighting chickens in the ring. In the United States, cockfighting is illegal, but the business of breeding game fowl is booming.
Villagers filed a plea to be granted permission to conduct cockfight events as part of the Pongal celebrations. In response to the plea, the Madras High Court issued several regulations that must be followed.