Cockfighting is a sport where, more often than not, a match ends up in bloodshed. Recently, a new form of cockfighting called Coxing is gaining traction. With “One winner, Two survivors,” as its tagline, learn more about why coxing is a good alternative to the…
Game fowls are an inherent part of cockfighting. After all, a cockfight would not happen without the fighting chickens in the ring. In the United States, cockfighting is illegal, but the business of breeding game fowl is booming.
Villagers filed a plea to be granted permission to conduct cockfight events as part of the Pongal celebrations. In response to the plea, the Madras High Court issued several regulations that must be followed.
In cockfighting, two roosters are placed in a pit and battle to the death. These roosters are fighting roosters, specially bred, raised, and trained for power and endurance. Learn all about fighting roosters in this article.
Cockfighting is a bloodsport that is highly controversial. Most cite it as a form of animal cruelty, leading it to be outlawed in a great number of countries around the world. However, in a number of regions, cockfighting is embraced as a part of the…
The Philippines Information Agency is conducting research on online cockfighting or e-sabong. The agency stated that the responses gathered will be used for “policy-making purposes.”
Last June, Saipan resident Andrew Salas filed a lawsuit, challenging the cockfighting ban in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. This case has now been dismissed with prejudice.
Cockfighting is controversial but one cannot deny how incredibly popular it is. While it is prohibited in a lot of countries, there are also regions where the sport thrives.
Around 100 birds were discovered in an illegal cockfighting pit in Wells County, Indiana. A tip citing suspicious activity in the property prompted authorities to investigate, leading to the arrest of the property owner.