The Lyon County Sheriff’s Office reported that more than two dozen suspects had been arrested in rural northern Nevada in connection with an illegal cockfighting ring. Earlier this month, the sheriff’s deputies found 59 dead roosters in a barn in Silver Springs.
28 people are facing felony charges, according to the sheriff. No names or other details were released regarding the arrests.
The investigation was initially done after Lyon County Animal Services received an anonymous tip about suspicious activity happening at a residence on 10th Street in Silver Springs. The Lyon County Animal Services relayed the tip to the LCSO.
On June 3, deputies observed roosters fighting in “an open-air barn” and “hand-to-hand wagering” on the property. Spectators in the event fled the area upon noticing deputies. Some of them ended up being arrested.
Upon further investigation, approximately 50 to 75 live chickens were seized in addition to the 59 deceased roosters that were discovered in the vicinity of the barn. Numerous implements were found as well. Three hens were rescued and were transferred to new homes.
According to the LCSO, officials from the Nevada Department of Agriculture had to assist in euthanizing numerous other roosters.
The investigation is continuing, the LCSO said.